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Long-term monitoring of Darwin's frog populations (Rhinoderma darwinii)

Southern Darwin's frog (Rhinoderma darwinii)

Project Description


Since 2014, we have maintained a long-term monitoring programme of various local populations of the Southern Darwin’s frog (Rhinoderma darwinii) throughout the entire range of this species. We currently monitor four locations: Contulmo (Nahuelbuta Mountain Range), Neltume (Andes Mountain Range), Inio (Isla Grande de Chiloé), and Melimoyu (Aysén Fjords). This long-term project, unique in the study of Chilean amphibians, provides crucial information to understand the dynamics of wild populations of this species. This data is essential for detecting abnormal situations that may threaten its conservation, as well as for designing management and recovery actions for the wild populations of our beloved Darwin’s frog. This project has been fundamental in the development of the Binational Strategy for the Conservation of Darwin’s Frogs.

The project in images


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Publications associated with the project

Cita: Sentenac H, Valenzuela-Sánchez A, Haddow Brown N, Delgado S, Azat C, Cunningham A A (2023) Accounting for bias in prevalence estimation: The case of a globally emerging pathogen. J Appl Ecol. 2023;00:1–11.

Cita: Valenzuela-Sánchez A, Azat C, Cunningham A A, Delgado S, Bacigalupe L D et al (2022) Interpopulation differences in male reproductive effort drive the population dynamics of a host exposed to an emerging fungal pathogen. Journal of Animal Ecologyļ»æā€€2022;91:308–319

Cita: Valenzuela-Sánchez A, Schmidt B R., Azat C, Delgado S, Cunningham A A et al (2023) Variable rate of ageing within species: insights from Darwin’s frogs. The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2023, 138, 68–74

Cita: Azat C, Valenzuela-Sánchez A, Delgado  S, Cunningham AA et al (2020) A flagship for Austral temperate forest conservation: an action plan for Darwin's frogs brings key stakeholders together. Oryx , Volume 55 , Issue 3 , May 2021 , pp. 356 - 363

Cita: Valenzuela-Sánchez A, Cayuela H, Schmidt BR, Cunningham AA, Azat C (2019) Slow natal dispersal across a homogeneous landscape suggests the use of mixed movement behaviours during dispersal in the Darwin's frog. Animal Behaviour 150 (2019) 77e86

Cita: Valenzuela-Sánchez, Schmidt BR, Pérez C, Altamirano T, et al (2019) Assessing habitat quality when forest attributes have opposing effects on abundance and detectability: A case study on Darwin’s frogs. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 942–948

Date: Valenzuela-Sánchez A et al. (2018) Long-term monitoring of Darwin's Frog populations (Rhinoderma darwini) in the Contulmo Natural Monument and Contulmo Forest Reserve. Report period 2014-2018. NGO Frog from Darwin, Chile.

Date:IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group Chile (2018) Binational Conservation Strategy for Darwin's Frogs. Santiago, Chile.

Date:Valenzuela-SĆ”nchez A et al. (2017) Cryptic disease-induced mortality may cause host extinction in an apparently stable hostā€“parasite system. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20171176.

Date: Alvarado-Rybak et al. (2018) High prevalence of chigger mite infection in a forest-specialist frog.
with evidence of parasite-related granulomatous myositis. Parasitology Research 117: 1643ā€“1646

The project in motion


Date: Uribe-Rivera DE et al. (2017) Dispersal and extrapolation on the accuracy of temporal predictions from distribution models for the Darwin's frog. Ecological Applications 27: 1633–1645

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